I spent last week at a Artists retreat called ‘Faith And The Arts’.
It was fantastic to spend time with artists from all different areas of practice.
There were - painters, writers (poetry/screenplays/novels), dancers, singers, photographers, glass formers & blowers, a kinetic sculptor (sculpture that moves) & me - fibre artist.
This is the view from the dining room.
It was held in a town called Poatina in Tasmania.
Because we are mid Summer here in Australia, everything is dry & crackly.
Poatina was bought by a group called FUSION in the 1980’s.
The town had been abandoned when the hydroelectric team had left it after completing work on the water pipeline.
You can see it through the window.
I mostly worked in ‘Retreat Mode’. I was given an area to call my creative home for the week...........
It was great. I could play my music, work & wander across the hall to visit a fellow creative, John Cooper.
Being in ‘Retreat Mode’ meant I took work with me to do.
I also took part in a couple of workshops.
A ‘creative practice’ workshop with painter, Michael Henderson.
Then a flame glass workshop with Sarah Dingwall.
It was Fantastic!
You can some of her work here http://www.sarahdingwall.com.au/
The Glassblowers bench.
A pendant using black glass,small clear tear drop & very small vessel.
During this session I made............
Below is the glass studio through the trees.
I am considering going next year & teaching fibre arts (free form embroidery, dyeing etc).
Here is what I did all week
As I finish these pieces, I will post them here.
Here are some pictures of gorgeous Poatina in all weathers - we had heat, cool, rain & thunderstorms 😊.
I have to go & do some designing & loading on my Etsy shop.
Till later,