Bye Bye Oxford. It was lovely visiting you.
And we are off to Bishop's Castle in Shropshire.
Those hedges make it a bit tricky to guess where you are.
We passed through some lovely little towns. We were too early for our accommodation so we headed into the town of Bishop's Castle.
What a gem it is. Definitely worth a visit if you can get there.
We had lunch at a quaint little cafe called 'Thyme' (the green building).
They were very accommodating about my food restrictions.
I took these out the upstairs window. We are staying just out of town.
I visited lots of the shops. An antique shop (bought a cup & saucer + a jet brooch), a textile shop where I bought a great top from Thailand & also some Hmong indigo fabric.
A second hand book shop (bought something of course), a lovely deli for some cheese & a butcher for meat for dinner.
Finaly found a craft supply shop. Gorgeous.
Full of all things woolly.
Fleece for spinning, wonderful yarn for knitting & crocheting.
Owner was lovely too.
I am just sorry I didn't have more time to spend there. They even had a chair outside for NCH to sit on while he waited. 😊 He did a Kenken. Here are some more photos of Bishop's Castle
Here I am with my goodies.....
It is such a lovely place.
We contacted our Airbnb hostess Caroline. We drove off to our home for the next two nights.
This is the view from our windows.
Out the kitchen window.
We have it tough huh! 😜
Now I wish we had booked for longer. It is so lovely here. After being in busy York & Oxford - finally being able to hear the birds is truly relaxing.
Shrewsbury and Brother Cadfael tomorrow!