Today we ventured out to Shrewsbury.
We were keen to see some Brother Cadfael sites (from the Ellis Peters books).
Shrewsbury Castle. First built by a fellow invader of William The Conqueror's.
The architecture is a big mix.
Medieval - Modern.
Today is part of the Shrewsbury Folk Festival for the Bank holiday long weekend.
A Morris band from Ironbridge - not far from Shrewsbury. We saw at least 6 varieties of dancers. There was even a group called the 'Blue Boggarts' . If I can I will post a video I took.
We were looking in Shrewsbury for bits described in Ellis Peters books about Brother Cadfael, the medieval sleuth monk.
Great to read listen to on audiobook.
Ellis Peters/Edith Pargeter (the author) lived in Shrewsbury all her life.
The Abbey was damaged badly during the Dissolution of the Monasteries.
Here are some photos of the remaining Abbey. They are trying to repair the Abbey at the moment, but as you may imagine, it is an expensive endeavour.
There is no longer a Brother Cadfael herb garden. We spoke to the Vicar & he said the congregation couldn't maintain it anymore & there was already one across the road which was originally Abbey land anyway.
After all the constant walking around we decided to go on a river cruise for 45mins.
After leaving Shrewsbury we decided to go home the long way via Long Wynd. Really scary roads but beautiful.
It was terrifying driving along a single lane next to a cliff & no barriers. Then we had traffic coming from the other direction. Insane.
Lots & lots of heather.
On our way home.
We got home & had a fairly early night. A bit sad to be leaving Shropshire. Hope to be back sometime.